6 Content Marketing Tactics That Businesses Should Use in 2023

Content marketing is a vital part of digital marketing strategy for brands – small, medium, or large.

The reasons are plenty.

First, it’s a cost-efficient and sustainable marketing technique to reach and engage the target audience. 

Next, it allows the audience to find answers to their search queries. 

Most importantly, it helps imbibe a sense of trust and enables businesses to generate quality leads, conversions, and sales.

No wonder, a whopping 97% of businesses leverage content marketing.

Read More 6 Content Marketing Tactics That Businesses Should Use in 2023

3 Key SaaS Trends to Follow in 2023

Just two decades ago, enterprise companies had to invest in expensive on-premise software for things like customer relationship management (CRM), employee tracking, business analytics, and so on.

In the last decade, however, things moved to the cloud which made it possible to bring all business functions online through Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products. Today, over 80% of businesses make use of SaaS tools that help them scale rapidly without expensive overheads.

Read More 3 Key SaaS Trends to Follow in 2023

9 Strategies and Actionable Tips to Scale Customer Support Team

Customer support team

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by customer support inquiries? Are you ready to take your customer service to the next level and impress your clients? In this blog, we’re going to dive into some practical tips for scaling your customer support and keeping your clients happy.

First things first, let’s define what we mean by “scaling customer support.” Essentially, it’s about finding ways to handle a growing volume of customer inquiries and complaints efficiently and effectively. This might mean automating certain processes, hiring more support staff, or finding new technologies to streamline your workflow.

Read More 9 Strategies and Actionable Tips to Scale Customer Support Team

12 Reasons Why Your B2B Business Needs SaaS SEO

SEO  is one of the most important digital marketing strategies that any B2B SaaS business should consider when looking to expand its reach.

If your B2B enterprise yearns to attract more prospects to business-important landing pages and achieve success in the competitive online landscape, SaaS SEO is an imperative digital marketing strategy.

Read More 12 Reasons Why Your B2B Business Needs SaaS SEO

How to Design a High-Converting SaaS Pricing Page

SaaS conversion rates are often intricately tied to the quality of the brand’s pricing page. Should they price their product too high or too low, be unclear what different pricing tiers include, or even format it poorly, leads are less likely to convert, even if there is a free trial available. 

Designing a high-converting pricing page can (and should) thus involve overcoming the usual conversion obstacles and providing crystal clear information. Do please note that not all of the tactics we’re about to delve into will work for every SaaS product. 

Read More How to Design a High-Converting SaaS Pricing Page