9 Tips on Designing Your Company’s Website

website design tips

Your company website is an essential digital marketing and sales tool. No matter what industry you’re in, it must be able to convey your brand messaging and generate sales or leads effectively.

With so much competition online, having a simple website isn’t enough; you must follow best practices for structure, make it responsive and easy to navigate, and follow user experience (UX) web design tactics to ensure a good experience that leads to a higher conversion rate.

Read More 9 Tips on Designing Your Company’s Website

Newsjacking: The Secret PR Ingredient to Build SaaS Brand Awareness in 2023

25,000 companies and 14 billion customers – that’s the state of SaaS today. It’s a crowded market, growing further with a promising outlook. SaaS revenue will touch US$330 billion by 2027.

It’s a whole different ball game to build your authority and amplify your voice in this business environment. Since your product has no physical presence, it’s challenging to have audiences visualize your offerings with trust.

Read More Newsjacking: The Secret PR Ingredient to Build SaaS Brand Awareness in 2023

Why You Should Create a Robust Digital PR Strategy for Your SaaS

If you are a SaaS business reading this, here is a question.

What is your brand reputation like?

Yay, or meh? 

If ‘Yay’, you can always do better, and if ‘Meh’, it’s just a matter of time before you start doing better.

How? Two words: digital PR.

Keep reading to gather these three key takeaways:

  • Digital PR helps you edge past competition.
  • A robust PR strategy helps improve your brand image significantly.
  • As an example, the video conferencing giant — Zoom — has a robust PR plan in place.
Read More Why You Should Create a Robust Digital PR Strategy for Your SaaS

How to Start a Video Marketing Campaign for Your Business

From the fastest-growing app– TikTok to the second-biggest search engine– YouTube, videos are making a big splash online. This type of content format has now become a go-to for businesses to expand their reach and stay relevant.

Today, more than 86% of businesses have integrated video marketing strategy into their overall campaign. Entertaining product videos, educational landing page videos, and bite-sized social videos, more and more businesses come up with content ideas to keep their target audiences engaged. 

Read More How to Start a Video Marketing Campaign for Your Business